If you're a big Nine Inch Nails fan then maybe you'll recognize this. The CD single for the song "Sin" had a post-modern deconstructionist pseudo-gothic (or something) font used for writing the word "Sin" and the acronym "NIN." I was kinda bored, thought it looked kinda cool, and decided to extrapolate an entire font from it. Some characters worked better than others, but the general effect is there. It should make a kind of interesting gothic-type font; I wouldn't go off and write any business letters with it. It's just for fun, really.
2) Keymaps
Small caps, the larger caps being bolder and larger. Also, the []{} keys produce various NIN logos (and one for TVT records) which I culled from my other font "Technobats." There's enough punctuation to squeak by. Periods, commas, exclamations, quotes and the like, but nothing fancy like ampersands, asterisks and the like.
3) What's in it for me?
I'm going to tack on a cheesy plea for money. Not much, tho. $5, only. Or, if you're a poor starving college student like myself, I merely ask for some email (oehler@yar.cs.wisc.edu) and perhaps the adulation of young women everywhere. :-) Here's the current address:
Eric Oehler
109CH, Kronshage Hall
1650 Kronshage Drive
Madison WI 53706-1182
4) What's this Kiwi thing?
Kiwi Media is a something I started in the early days of my computer experience (hacking graphics on an Apple //c ). It sorta stuck for many years and now encompasses almost two people with assets in the tens of dollars. There is no relation to Kiwi Software involved here, which is why I don't call "Kiwi Media" anything other thta "Kiwi Media." Other things I've done that are floating about out there are a few QT movies (short 3-d rendered ones of Star Trek ships flying about), the font "Devotional" (based on the brush-stroke handwriting of Anton Corbijn) and the font "Technobats" which is a collection of logos from record companies, techno, synth-pop, and industrial bands. If you look hard enough, perhaps the old "Yuppie Command Jack" series of animations for the Apple ][ will show up, but if I'm lucky those have vanished into obscurity.